pri 1 textbook

Junior Secondary-Walking on the Starlit Path

Quotes of Biblical Texts:
Quotes of Biblical texts are referenced from or quoted the New American Bible.

Theological Review

Rev. Peter Choy, Vicar General

Textbook Advisory Committee

Sr. Susan Koo (古穗生)
Mr. H. P. Chu (朱海平)
(Ms. Y. M. Ho (何燕雯))
(Ms. S. Ng (吳珊))
Dr. Francis N. K. Chan (陳乃國)
Mr. W. K. Chan (陳永堅)
Rev. Matthew H. K. Chan (陳鴻基)
Mr. Peter C. Y. Lau (劉超賢)
Dr. Paul W. K. Lau (劉煒堅)